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Starting a blended learning course

Creating a new course

Course Details

When initially setting up a course, you don't need to do much. Just give it a long and short name.

  • The long name appears at the top of the page and should be the title of the unit, paper or course.
  • The short name needs to be unique in Moodle. It's best to name it with the unit number, prefexed with the year and maybe semester or term is is delivered in.

For example, Unit standard 18740 might have the long name "Writing a Computer Program to Solve a Problem" and a short name of "2016-us18740".

  • Everything else can be left for now. You may want to put a description of the course in at this time, but it can be added later.

Now to save the course.

  • Scroll to the bottom of the Add a new course page.
  • Click Save and Display.