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General Help

Moodle is a private place on the internet where we can

  • interact & collaborate
  • communicate
  • and share files.

There are thousands of Moodles all over the world. (it is free and open source, see if you are interested) This is the Tai Poutini Moodle.  If you are here, it is probably because some part of your course is on Moodle.

It is designed to enhance the teaching and learning process as well.

INSIDE MOODLE.  Moodle has courses, and each course has members. Members have roles, which grants them certain rights. The three common roles are teachers, students (participants) and guests.

This guide is for those with a student role, or those with a teacher role who just want a refresher of the basics.

You can't break Moodle.  You may get a little lost, or you may loose some typing (the internet is like that), but you can easily find your way back home.  (See the page on navigation)

To start you need an account.

Sooner or later you will need to update your profile, you may make a post in a forum, download a page off Moodle or you may need to upload an assignment.