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Staff Help

Helping students

If you want to see who is in your course, then click the participants list or the users list in your course.

If a student cannot access their course

Check the obvious things first:

  1. Have they ever been into Moodle?
  2. Check they have the right web address.
  3. Do they have an account?
  4. What username are they using?
  5. If it is a password problem, then they can get a new password.  See Getting a new password help.
  6. Carefully read the error message.  "I got some error message" is not helpful to solving the problem.
  7. Email if you need help, or call your local Moodle admin.

In general, we try for same day service for Moodle queries from students, general the same half day.


  • What the usernames are depends on the programme of study and how they have created their accounts.  Usernames can be firstname+initial, initla+surname, userID, email address or their own made up combination.
  • Once a student is in, the "My courses" link is the best place to start.