Blog entry by Bob Gilmore

Picture of Bob Gilmore
by Bob Gilmore - Friday, 11 April 2014, 6:12 AM
Anyone in the world

This is something I've been meaning to do for a while now. There is a lot of interesting ICT news and developments I want a forum to jot down along with my opinions on them, links, etc. I've tried to post these in many places as part of the ICT courses but nowhere really seems to fit. I do this a lot on Facebook, but that is a closed forum for me and I want this to be more widely available, especially to students.

I don't plan this to be a daily thing. Detailed daily blogs take more time than I have or want to commit to this project, but hopefully this will be regular enough to be a good reference to myself and anyone who is interested.

Having said that, there are several topics I'm going to address in quick succession on here, usually ones I've discussed in class or with fellow faculty at TPP but don't specifically belong in any of my course notes.


[ Modified: Friday, 11 April 2014, 7:16 AM ]
