The purpose of this course, as defined in the Ski patrol Curriculum Document, is to;
Provide students with the skills and judgement required to safely move around alpine environment.
The specific course outcomes you are working towards are:
o Ski or snowboard proficiently on all-mountain terrain in varying conditions
o Move safely in a mountain environment using touring equipment, ice axe and crampons
o Run a toboggan safely on intermediate terrain
o Demonstrate sound judgement in negotiating all-mountain terrain including role modelling snowsport area behaviour codes
o Demonstrate effective management of personal and patrol equipment
The course timetable and learning activities can be found here
How does this play out on the ground?
This course is largely self-driven and kicks off in term 1 with you demonstrating solid gear management and an ability to use sound judgement. Once you are on snow in term 2 it starts focusing on your on snow capability to ski and move efficiently using ski patrol equipment. Both phases have a strong emphasis on self-improvement, so are linked to your reflection/planning log.
Therefore, most of your learning hours for this topic will be through:
- Expectations clarified by your tutors
- Field learning sessions with your tutors
- A small amount of classroom time
- Use of your reflection log to reflect, plan and improve
- A lot of personal and group practice
- Workplace activity
Learning begins after you reach Wanaka campus on 9th April.